A lot happened

The past two weeks a lot happened.

We had rain

When it rains, it rains. So far, we had experienced a few drops of rain, but on March 8th, it really came down. The porch got a bit wet, but nothing to get upset about. The rain that falls on the balcony flows out through drainage holes, that are elongated with pipes. From the kitchen, you can see how the water comes out of the pipes:

We had chicken

Since I don’t eat meat, with the exception of chicken breast, we often have chicken. And the nice thing about chicken breast is that you can do so much with it. Amongst so many other dishes, Mirjam makes all sorts of dishes with chicken. For instance: chili con pollo, where the ground beef is replaced with ground chicken breast, chicken saté, with a lovely homemade peanut sauce, chicken shawarma, with homemade pita bread, she makes a great chicken schnitzel, homemade pasta with homemade pesto with (or without actually) chicken squares and a wonderful dish of fried chicken breast with a cream sauce, leeks and potato wedges.  

Mirjam also smokes chicken. Last week, she used her smoking oven for the first time in Spain. And the result was better than ever: tender chicken breast smoked on hickory wood chips and BBQ herbs.

We had a walk

We often go for a walk after breakfast. We stay on the property, just walk around and discover the trees, plants and flowers and each stage we see them evolve to as the weeks pass. We enjoy that so much, but what we enjoy at least as much is how the cats come with us. They follow us where ever we go. We go around the shed, they go around the shed, we go up to the pool, they go up to the pool, we go to the balcony, they go to the balcony, we go back to the porch, they follow us.


We had the beginnings of spring

On our walks, we see more and more flowers, fruit and nuts growing on the property. Click the top of each picture to view the full version.

We had our linen closet delivered

Doesn’t sound like a big thing, but to us it meant we could finally get all the linen out of the boxes and give them a place.

We had a go at the guest room

We are not expecting guests any time soon, but we were so much looking forward to see if what we had planned this room to look like, was going to be as good as what we hoped.

We had sanding and staining galore

A long-time desire of Mirjam, was to give the dinner table a new life. She has had this table since 1998 and it was quite battered. We spent a day sanding down the varnish layer and then the old staining and re-stained it and put a mat varnish on. It all dried really quickly, so we had the ‘new’ table back in its place the same day.

We had fun with curtains

We hung some curtains on the porch. We always liked the idea of having a porch with white curtains waiving in the wind. And now we have one!

Stay tuned for more blogs

9 Replies to “A lot happened”

  1. Your place is LOOKING so GOOD! Great to see the rain. Do you have a way to capture the moisture in a rain barrel or cistern for those hot dry days ahead? Love the guest room! hugs

    1. Thanks, Marie. We have two barrels we could use, but we’ll have to see how long that supply would last. We also have a huge water tank we could use, but it is higher up on the property and we’re not sure how we would get it there. Luckily, water isn’t expensive here and it comes from a spring up in the mountains, so it is pretty good quality too.
      You are welcome to come and use that guest room any time.

  2. Hoe geweldig zoals jullie genieten van zowel de natuur als jullie gezellige woning. Jullie hebben een echte goede keuze gemaakt!! Liefs

  3. Mooi hoor, ik ben een beetje laat met kijken, maar dat mag de pret niet drukken. Jullie maken prachtige vorderingen.

  4. Echt heel leuk foto’s te zien van jullie geweldige huis. En enorm fijn dat jullie er zo gelukkig zijn!

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